
The Circle

Welcome to The Circle, Noén’s exclusive loyalty program designed to deepen our connection with you. Open to everyone, we want to give you an inside look into what we're building. 

The Benefits

As a part of our inner circle, you'll enjoy the following benefits: 

  • Direct access to a Q&A line with a sex therapist for personalized expert advice
  • 10% off every purchase, including extra members sales throughout the year
  • Free shipping on every order over $100
  • Exclusive access to updates, community events, and VIP product launches
  • Exclusive product development pre-launch trials
How to Get in Our Circle
  1. Place two orders on using the same email address. 
  2. Once your second order is complete, your membership is automatically activated.
  3. You’ll receive a confirmation email welcoming you to The Circle along with instructions on how to enjoy your perks.


As our relationship grows, we'll add more benefits for those in our circle. We can’t wait to find more ways to connect.